V2US Review
V2US (website is down) is a new Chinese company and they are looking for teachers. They appear to be a type of create-a-profile company as they allow teachers to set their own wage and hours. Teachers can use their own material or the ones provided by the platform. The students are of all ages. Teachers must have a bachelors degree and an ESL teaching certificate. Teaching experience is not necessary but an obvious benefit. Non-natives are welcome as well but that may be seen as a negative trait to some Chinese students. Their email is ft@v2us.com
Please leave us a comment or review of V2US.
I would like to confirm if South African citizens (who are Native English speakers) may be considered on the UTALKABC Platform.
The requirements are noted differently where the degree is considered.
Please advise and confirm.
Thank you so much.
Hi all, Following! btw I signed up and managed to login from both sites with the same account, so they are probably sharing the same platform and it doesn’t matter.
Hi, i applied on the V2US website but the link that’s supposed to give me instructions on what to do next is not allowing me to log in, even after i renewed my password. Did anyone have the same problem? i have no clue what happens next, it seems my application was successful but the next step is unclear.
I’m confused with V2US and UtalkABC. These two websites are identical and yet their domain name is different.
They also operate under the same CEO (saw it in Linkedin), in which case these two UtalkABC and V2US are both specified businesses in this CEO’s linkedin profile. Both of these also were founded on the same date. How are they similar and yet separate? Does anyone know why?
I couldn’t find any helpful review about these platforms either.
Hi Avril, I know that these two websites are two different programs from the same parent company. I am not sure what the difference is exactly, maybe one is for teaching groups and the other for teaching individuals? I just emailed my contact with the company and asked them directly, let’s wait and see how they respond.
Suhaila Ameer
Hi Mike
If you have a contact with Utalk can we apply via you as the referral contact?
Please let me know? Thank you.
Hi Suhaila, I am still waiting to hear back from my contact (the last time we talked was in November) so if I get a response I will let you know. You could send me an email to remind me if you like.
Hi all, Following!