
Tandem Review

Tandem is a new company based in Germany. They offer language tutoring services but only through an app with iOS and Android. That means you have to use a smartphone to teach. Teachers set their own pay rate. Another interesting feature they have for students is the ability to find other students and chat with them online. They teach multiple languages including Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese and Russian.

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  • I joined Tandem. The teachers here don't get paid because it a FREE language exchange. That means I teach English for 30 minutes and the partner teaches their native language like Spanish for 30 minutes. Everything is free and even with the time allotment.

  • Hello,
    My name is Sarai Avila, i’m leaving in Belgium and I am very interested in finding a job like that. I’m a native Spanish speaker and also speak Dutch and Portuguese.
    I would like to know how I can start teaching spanish, do I need some certification?
    Thank you for your help.

    • buenas tardes..soy licenciada en educacion mencion ingles.. con 12 años de experiencias dando clases de español e ingles.. me encantaria dar clases onlines.. por favor,, este es mi correo. bioglish@hotmail.com