Spicus Review
Spicus (Korean website) has offices in the USA, South Korea and the Philippines. They are looking for North American teachers with a university education. They teach government workers, university students and business professionals. I have read that they pay $2 for each 10 minute session with some incentives. Peak teaching times are from 5am – 11am and 5pm – 9pm EST.
Please leave us your comments and reviews of Spicus.
Taught classes for a month just one or two a day just to see how they did with payments.
They are avoiding and refusing to pay me. Avoid at all costs.
Renee James
I was working with Spicus for a few years and recently left. While it started out amazing! – Easy hiring and training processes, it ended up being a waste of the tutors time.
At first, they had huge contracts with different reputable companies in Korea.
That has since decreased. So the number of students that want classes continuously are fewer.
At first, the students were not allowed to postpone their classes more than 3 times a month.
Now, they can postpone their classes as much as they want, and opt for make up classes at the end of the month. Meaning, during your shift, you may start out with 12 classes, and end up only having 3.
NOTE: You are only paid for the classes that are marked as absent (when you call a student and they are a no show) or when a student is present.
MOST of the managers were nice, some were extremely rude, and not to mention, not the best English speakers themselves.
The company is based in Korea and the United States, but the management staff are based in the Philippines.
The pay is horrendous (even for supllemental income) . Your pay is sent once a month on the 15th of the following month.
Now, I would say the only benefit of working with Spicus are the time slots – 6am to 11am EST and 5pm to 9pm EST. You can choose your times. Also, the students are really nice and great to work with.
Mara Koss-Weston
Hi. I used to work for Spicus about 10 years ago and now my children are older and I am looking to work again. I remember having good memories and loving my students! I have a 4 year degree and some of my Masters Degree. I hope someone gets in touch with me to begin my endeavors with Soicus once again!
Is that you must have a 4-year degree to make $12/hour?? Did I miss something?
I have started to work with Spicus before all the craziness with China banning online ESL foreign teachers chaos occurred, and this was definitely a blessing in disguise as well. It is very easy going, you do not even have to use your camera! The best part of all if I must say…
Chantell Campbell
I have been having problems signing up as a tutor .Can someone help me
Can you guys tell mw how does audio classes works in Spicus? I would like it to choose audio class.
Elizabeth Covington
I work for SPICUS, Inc. I am truly blessed to have found a company that makes it a joy to work for! There is excellent support, the Managers are lovely – one can tell they care about their Tutors. They used to pay twice a month [the 15th & 30th], but they have changed their system to once a month, on the 25th of every month! They are prompt w/their payments and the Managers are available to assist during your shift.
I have nothing but positive words for this company; great communication & timely pay…, from people who, I believe, truly care!!!
P Smith
Hi. Thanks for the info. What method of payment do they use? Best wishes.
hi good day. can you help me im trying to apply but i dont know where to start
Nicole Barney
Hi, Elizabeth, I’ve been wondering how to contact Spicus? The email listed on their US page doesn’t seem to work, and there doesn’t appear to be a “submit” button for the contact form there.