Quality Online English Group Review
Quality Online English Group <—- (Click here to apply) is based in Canada but they teach kids in China. It is a part–time job as they are looking for teachers available from 6:00pm to 10:00pm Beijing time. Teachers must be native speakers with some teaching experience. A Bachelor’s degree and a TESL certificate are preferred but not required. How much they pay is unknown.
Please leave a comment or review of QOEG.
Kaylee Wippich
This company doesn’t pay their teachers!
Just the comment i was looking for, Thanks
QOEG wont pay Teachers and won’t answer emails to explain.
I smelled their garbage after my first class. Even the 10 year old in Canada were in on it. So I found their Chinese website with all their books they were illegally using/advertising and sent it to the publishers.
We have not been paid for 2 months. We have a group chat with 164 teachers from South Africa and many more groups from different countries who are all in the same boat!!!
Kara StJonn
The link gives an error message.
Thanks! The link is working now.