Flalingo Review 
Flalingo <—- (Click here to Apply) appears to be an American company that only teaches 1 to 1 classes. Classes are either 25 or 50 minutes long. Teachers can choose their own schedule but they must be at least 18 years of age and have some teaching experience. They pay native speakers $5 USD per 25 minute class (not sure about non–native teachers). The pay out every Monday with Paypal, Payoneer or Transferwise.
Please leave a comment or a review of Flalingo.
“After carefully reviewing your application, we regret that we are unable to make any progress with your application at this time. Please know that we value your skills and experience. In the meantime,we’d love for you to stay in touch with Flalingo by following us on Instagram or LinkedIn where we post updates on the latest news, events, and job opportunities.”
i guess it’s not a big deal to be rejected by them if they still offer only $5/ hr. Heck I make $20 / hr with Booknook. Maybe they were intimidated by what I actually make vs what they offer. I lol’ed at the last part. I wouldn’t follow anybody who didn’t give me an opportunity, or the time of day. A bit of a waste of time. I wouldn’t recommend them.
I had to quit this one since they tend to side with the students. When a student does a no-show, I received disputes where the student would say I wasn’t there, so they still get the class. On top of that they deduct money from you. I took screenshots as proof I was in the class and each classes are recorded. After all of this, they still sided with the student. They have all the proof. So, watch out! Also, your account gets automatically get deactivated when you don’t open slots. Don’t recommend.
kiki kaliani
Have been working with them for 3 months now!!…..although pay is low the company is great and so are the students. The company is very supportive and and all issues are solved immediately. I am very happy to be part of their community!! The fact that you get the feeling that you are not alone in this company is a great plus!!
The Glider
Also had and interview with them, brief one, but sopposedly successful. They work mostly with Turkish students. They ask tutors to open around 5 hours per day.
I found them to be a bit ridiculous. After being hired, a furious british recruiter got pissed claiming I hadn’t contacted her (which I had) over onboarding. So after I went through the onboarding my account was deactivated. I asked the staff what their problem was? Apparently I hadn’t opened slots fast enough. A little overzealous. I work for a few other companies and after thinking it over I decided they were too demanding and i wouldn’t have the time. $10 an hour and you have to have a degree (which I have). I used to get paid that while in college. Employers were embarrassed by it also.They would whisper the hourly amount during job interviews and that was 15 years ago. Anyway, you may or may not get classes be available 20 hours a week, and students can rate you. I hate that. Added pressure. If a pupil is a lunatic and gives you a bad rating they will stick your profile in the back. Anyway, good luck!
Had a very brief and supposedly successful interview, but never heard anything from them since. Not sure what they’re up to.