Eigooo (offline as of November 2023) offered “chat type English learning” service. The app allowed students to basically text and chat with teachers. They closed down citing artificial intelligence as one of the main reasons.
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I have been applying as a tutor but I receive no response yet
Im curious about how much they pay!
Once you have completed both tests, please send your results to recruit@eigooo.com.
I applied and I had to take a grammar test. I'm waiting to see if I passed. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCRypXFltDfNgD8Jf9EMWmpuRrz67saXVDuhbUXCbFmJN0YQ/viewform?c=0&w=1
What is the link to apply?
Hi Tommy, what was your experience like? I'm curious about the company but I'd like to find out more about the pay, the required minimum hours etc.