
  • Making Spanish Flashcards

    Making flashcards may seem like an old-school idea (and it is), if you are studying with another person real flashcards are really useful to help you remember vocabulary. BUT they can also be made digitally through a variety of websites and apps. I always encourage my English students to keep a notebook with them at all times, this way they can write down new words and phrases they see during their normal day and then study them at night or whenever. You can then take these words and make your own digital flashcards.

  • Where to Buy Spanish Textbooks in Buenos Aires

      If you are interested in studying Spanish while you are in Buenos Aires you should consider getting a textbook from the University of Buenos Aires.  The textbooks are used by the Spanish program at the university and are great. They focus on Argentine society and culture and will really help you identify with and speak like the Argentines. I took a Spanish class here and found it really beneficial (more information can be found here). If you don’t want to take a class you can still buy the book and study it by yourself or with a private teacher.