Teaching English Online

  • Top 10 European Online English Teaching Companies

    I have been meaning to make a few top 10 lists of online English teaching companies for a long time now. There are so many of them and it is hard to find the good ones. So here we are, I am starting with best European companies in no particular order. One advantage of working for a European company is that they treat their employees well compared to other countries that have fewer regulations and policies related to workers. This has been my experience working for European companies at least. They communicated well with teachers and offered a fair payment system. A reminder that most of these companies are not…

  • Resources for Teaching English Exam Preparation

    April 7th, 2018 There are several English exams that are recognized internationally. Many of my students have taken these tests and I have had to help them prepare. I have tried to provide all the relevant information and free resources here to help them practice. If you have any other useful resources for students doing these tests please leave a comment with the links. 1) IELTS – The International English Language Testing System – There are two versions of this University of Cambridge test; academic and general. This test is used by many universities and countries to see if international students can attend courses at English universities. It is also…

  • What Does an Online English Teacher Teach?

    A good teacher always has a plan. Many online teaching companies have lessons already prepared, you just need to assign them to your students. Other companies want you to prepare your own material. If you have private students they are probably going to want a plan (unless they just want conversation in which case your job is a lot easier).  So what plan do you have for your students? What plan do you have for the next lesson?

  • The Benefits of Teaching English Online

    Why Teach English Online? After teaching English for almost 5 years, I have made many friends that also teach English. However, I am the only one that teaches online. Many of my friends are happy with their jobs, working 20-30 hours per week, they don’t want to teach online or they have private students on top of their regular teaching job and don’t want to spend any more of their free time teaching. If you can find the right company one of the best things about teaching online is that you can do it between classes. Right now I am only teaching online in the afternoon from 12-5pm. But the…

  • Online English Teaching Companies: The List

    So, I have created a list of the top teaching English online companies and their websites. This list will be updated frequently, as I myself am an online teacher and I have an interest in knowing who the best companies to work for are. I know this list is not complete, but it is a good place to start for those looking for a job online. Please let me know if I have forgotten a company, also feel free to leave a comment especially if you have worked for any of these companies… The List