
Comments and Reviews for BlingABC

BlingABC <—- (Click here to Apply) is hiring again in 2024! They are also hiring South Africans. They teach groups of 1 to 18 Chinese children (ages 6 to 13) and all material is provided. Classes are 30 minutes long. They are looking for teachers with a Bachelor’s Degree and a TEFL/TESL certificate.  One year of teaching experience is preferred but not required. Their current salary range is from $12 to $18 (USD) per hour (depending on how many students are in the class) and they pay once a month.

Please leave us your comments and information about BlingABC.


  • Renee

    I have still not been paid by blingabc
    It is now the 15th of the month have been with them for 2 months and have to wait for my salary every time me more or less begging them to pay me. They are extremely u helpful. Do not recommemd them to a anybody

  • Peggy Berge

    Very strict company. They treat you like a number. Easy to get fired. I am a native speaker with a degree, TEFL and 8+ years experience yet I was offered 15USD per hour.

    • Chris

      I don’t agree with the negative comments at all, I have been working for them for years in 2 different stints. Yes, the money is less than before but what do you expect? The online teaching industry has changed, especially with teaching Chinese kids. They pay better than most, $15 per hour and with a generous bonus system which means you get more like $20 per hour if you do a few weekend classes and don’t miss classes. Very hard to find a better 3rd party company that gets you plenty of clients and provides good interactive material for the classes. I don’t find them strict at all, the staff are friendly and helpful. I have never felt pressure or like I would lose my job even when I have had a few issues over the years. A good and fair company to work for, especially in the current climate.

  • Dave

    They are not paying 21 – 27 dollars per hour, seems they have joined the ranks of the exploiters. They offered me 12 – 15 dollars.

    Too much BS for too little

    • Natasha

      Hi Dave!

      I’m really very much interested. Can you give me more details and the forward eg. Application process…

      Kindly appreciated

    • Chbro

      Don’t work here. It’s all BS. I am American. During my orientation, I was the only American BTW, when the presenter for the orientation found out I was american after introductions, she said, “wow, you are brave to work here”. Then, they wanted a passport, not a DL. I haven’t traveled outside the country since I was 1 years old. They started asking extremely personal questions. EXTREMELY PERSONAL QUESTIONS. somethings up with them.

  • Bob

    I have had the opposite experience of others above like Pmm and ABarron. I joined in June and passed the interview process without any problems. The pay is great, only problem being I haven’t had a single class in 6 months. I have asked why and they said something about being in a lower bracket from the mock class (the second highest) and I should retake the mock class and increase availability. Frankly, I don’t want to. I work with another company so am not going to jeopardise actual money earned with potential from Bling ABC. I only stay on the books as I’m not losing out. If they give me classes then great but seems a waste of time to me.

  • ABarron

    I have just finished my first week of classes with Bling. It took me about a month to get classes because I was hired right as a semester was starting. Now that I have been given classes I am fully booked with all my open slots (I only opened 10 slots a week to try it out) So far I love it! I love the interesting curriculum.. The class sizes and classroom functions. All contact with the staff have been professional and informative. Is my favorite teaching platform so far.

    • HB

      I worked with them before, when things were.reallu good. However, they have changed management. Not as friendly and not as realistic now. They are more about making money on their end. Be careful applying here. It’s a waste of time.

  • Pmm

    I’ve been with blingabc since March 2020. I got classes right away! Didn’t even wait 1 week and was getting many classes. Love this company, the time flies! Don’t plan on leaving them at all.

    • Pamela Lubbe

      Hi Pmm
      Can you or anyone who’ve completed application to Bling ABC help.
      I managed to get into the website, but on the very first phase entering your personal info – I got stuck.
      The website asks for my skype id – I am 100% sure it is correct – even copied and pasted a few times to ensure it is 100%
      If I try to submit info I keep on getting same message – Complete Scype ID – It’s a compulsory field so cannot be left blank thus I cannot complete application
      HELP PLEASE!!!

  • Susana Monreal

    I just recently heard about BlingABC. I normally work in Italian schools, and supplement my other hours working with VIPKid (I am in my third year with them) . So because of COVID- 19 I thought it would be a great fit. Yesterday morning I had my interview. Wow, What a disaster! I had not seen so much unprofessionalism when it comes to online companies.
    The person interviewing me arrived late. He mentioned he could not hear me. As he is trying to speak to me I see he is sitting in a huge room. It looks like a call center with many people and so much noise in the background. He just sat there and stared at me. I had just taught five classes with my other company before this quasi interview, not sure why he did not hear me. I typed in the message box if we could meet on Skype. He sent me his ID- I entered Skype and sent him a message and waited a few minutes. Nothing, so I called him.
    The person interviewing me seemed angry, not a single smile or greeting. He asked, “do you have a Master’s Degree and a TEFL?” Strange question being that it was written in my submitted CV.
    It all went downhill from there. He told me to start my mock, pretending he was a student. I could not hear anything as I tried to go through this mock. Stange, PDF on my computer, awkward telling him to circle etc. when how would he even know what slide I was on. All I heard was the background noise. After the third slide, he said “Stop, we do not have time for more. I see you used props. “ and he jumped into a spill about the company.
    He mentioned the 40 minute classes started with a base pay of 14 USD, then he just ran through all the other incentives. There was a point I could not hear him because of someone speaking extremely loud in Chinese right next to him. I kindly asked him to repeat because I was not able to hear him. His response was “That is my boss, I can not tell my boss to be quiet.” I tried to ask questions, he did not even ask if I had any, he then cut me short not really responding to my questions.
    I was told there are set times to sign up or open slots, but it is not guaranteed I will be teaching. He also mentioned to me, “ You cannot juggle both jobs!” When I mentioned to him my plan was to use VIPKid to supplement the unfilled times. He then said “I have another interview starting in a few seconds.” I greeted him goodbye and he closed the call. It was the most bizarre interview I have ever had. Wow, what unprofessionalism and rudeness. Overall, I wish I would have just stayed away from this company. It was definitely a waste of time!

  • Mnase

    Well ,they rejected me although I was having everything in that they were very impressed by my credentials but due to to higher number of applicants we cannot process your application .
    Very bizarre excuse to be honest.

  • Dugen

    I couldn’t be more happy with BlingABC. I initially signed contracts with Bling, Whales, VIPKid, and SayABC about 5 months ago. I’ve since dropped SayABC, as their pay-rate is just too low. Bling consistently fills at least half of my availability, sometimes filling nearly 100%. The communication with teacher support is excellent, and the pay rate is spectacular. Getting time off is easy, as long as you don’t currently have classes booked during that time. Just plan ahead. If I teach 4 “large-classes” on a weekend, it’s $108 for 3 hours. That’s fantastic. Also, very rarely do I have more than 6 or 7 kids show up for those “large-classes”, and I’ve even had only one or two students show. I’m very happy with Whales as well, and VIPKid is VIPKid. I’m more than happy to answer any questions you might have about any of the four companies. Good luck!

    • Josi

      Thank you for the info on Bling. I too dropped SAYABC and VIP overbooked me the 10 of the 14 classes would be no-shows. I’m working for a small company and now have been hired at Bling – I’ve done the large group training. I’m trying to decided on my availability, and wanted to know what the most popular times are on the weekends. I’m Central Standard Time in the US.

    • Helena

      Hello Dugen I have a question for you about BlingABC. I want to apply but I was wondering about booking time off during school holidays and family holidays. IS that possible, what is their policy? Or am I committed to working for the whole semester? Thank you

    • SC

      So for BlingABC if one is hired at this time of year – the next term is not until July – are there any hours from now until July? Any tips on passing the demo interview?

  • Jay

    Applied and was treated well/enthusiastically, did demo and was accepted, did training and more demos, was supposedly put on list, was told that I would be given classes… I was also asked to do extra training for big groups if I wanted those classes, did so, and was supposedly put on that list. I was asked to open/guarantee several hours in my schedule and more than 2 months later still hadn’t been given a single class but had done extra training over a system update. Almost three months later and I was asked by message on the bloatware they use instead of Skype to substitute a single lesson. Really?!? Didn’t bother to answer… Recently sent emails about needing to do more training for new platform. LOL, yeah… let me get right on that!

  • Seeker

    I applied with this company and was turned down. The number of students that you will teach is inaccurate. You can teach a group of three, six, or fifteen students at a time and the pay is scaled accordingly. Fewer students = less pay and more students = more pay.

  • Teacher A

    Very unpleasant experience! A waste of time, so disorganized and disrespectful! They do not guarantee any classes/filled schedule as well.


    Do they have minimum hours? How long are the lessons? Do they hire English teachers from non-native countries? Thanks in advance for your answers.

  • Sean P BARTON

    I’ve worked for BlingABC for seven months, and it has its pros and cons.
    The pay is good, and I always got paid what I expected, no surprises. They have a lot of opportunities for teachers to expand their skills, whether by doing demo classes or even the large classes.
    So…the large classes. They pay more, but trying to teach 1v15 and even 1v20 as I did is a practical impossibility in a digital classroom designed for six students maximum. I feel it is unfair to the children and is just an opportunity for BlingABC to make more money. The other thing that irks me is that since May of 2018, I asked for one day off. I asked for this day off for travel over the holidays (and I took my computer o that I could work over the holidays). They asked if I could work on that day, but I was LITERALLY in the air when my classes took place. They grudgingly gave me the day off but said that I wasn’t eligible for my monthly bonus because of it.
    Overall, a good company to work for, but don’t let them use you.

  • Annmarie Elizabeth Mendoza

    I love working for Bling. I have worked with many other online companies and Bling is my favorite so far. They schedule classes by semester, which may explain why it was so quick for some of us and so long to be scheduled for others. However, I did read that my application needed to be in by X date to being in X semester. My interview and training was quick and I started within 2 weeks of submitting my application. You have set classes with the same students every week. I give about 13 classes a week to up to 3 students. They have also contacted by about larger group classes (15 students). The pay is good ($27/hr plus bonuses) and is made via direct deposit. I have been hired by many different companies and either accepted the offer or declined because the hours or pay weren´t to my liking. The hours are guaranteed and I also get some sub classes with a bit higher pay.

    • Annmarie Elizabeth Mendoza

      Update***** I am still working with Bling and it is still my favorite company. I get lots of classes and I love teaching the larger classes as well. It is really a lot of fun. They are always professional and always pay on time. They provide ongoing training and are really helpful. They also provide very helpful and encouraging feedback. I highly recommend them.

      • Robyn Miller

        What times are the 1v15 classes? I was offered a contract and that was mentioned but they said it was only on the weekends.

        Thank you!

        • Annmarie Mendoza

          Robyn, I give large group classes all week long. I love the 1 on 3, but I only have a few of those now. I give many 1 on 6 or 1 on 15/20/24 classes. I give about 25 classes a week now. They have also added an additional type of class for World Cultures which is really interesting. The teaching materials provided are excellent and they are developing their own platform. I really love this company and have made them my main job. I dont even need to work anywhere else.

      • brigitte

        Annmarie > Thank you for following up with an update on Bling. Very useful insight for decision making. Thanks again for taking the time to share.

  • Nae

    I love working for Bling! They have been professional and friendly and the turn around time between initial contact and teaching my first class was quick. They have been accommodating every step of the way and I’m glad I found them in the sea of schools. The classes are small enough and you have 1 to 3 students. The materials are pretty simple and you can draw with students and add games as necessary. 😀

  • Sally Hamilton

    My friend and I are both well qualified and experienced teachers. Bling hired us, we completed the training but waited many weeks to be scheduled with classes to the point where we gave up and got hired by othe online schools rather than lose money waiting for Bling to get organised. Shambolic! They were disorganised and very poor at communicating with us. There are far better schools online that have immediate starts after training and better pay.

    • John

      Landi is similar. They pressured me to quit my current job in May then didn’t give me hours until middle of July. The reviews were the most demanding that I have had to do. Several other problems.

  • Anthony Cooper

    I will start with Bling ABC next week, but so far they seem to be a very professional and organized company. Their interviews, training and documentation are top notch and also have high standards and expectations from teachers. If this is an indication of what is to come, then I assume that it will be a good job.

    • Anthony Cooper

      I have taught 4 classes with Bling ABC and so far, I can attest that the company is very good. The material, the platform, the students have all so far been great. No problem at all, so far.

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